Run Rabbit Run – A Night Of Passion!

A lot of thought, skill, and knowledge go into breeding good racing greyhounds. Those who know about these things will match a Mum and Dad and hope that their family histories will meet to produce top class pups.





As much thought, skill and knowledge goes into making sure greyhounds are well matched to live together and enjoy kennel life to the full. A rule of thumb is a boy and girl often make better kennel companions than two boys or even two girls.

When season time arrives, girls have to be separated from boys no matter how well they might get on together.

Kennel mates Garrison Jake and Pretty Powerful (a bitch) like other greyhounds spend hours together in their kennel. Despite being supreme athletes, greyhounds do an awful lot of sleeping and lying around.


Puppy Rampage!

Trainer Tony Taylor and his staff at the powerful and successful Hillside Kennels in Surrey have a lot of experience in greyhound care and need to keep an eye out for season time. Girls on a pill do not come into season. Pretty Powerful had not read the rulebook.

Garrison Jake was not going to miss the chance of a bit of summer time humpy rumpy. His kennel mistress had slipped under the radar and was ready for some love on a hot July night. The result – an unplanned September litter of nine pups.


Robbie Vincent’s Puppy


Eight survived and with no input of good breeding considerations, one of those pups is now mine. We will follow his progress over the months to come and see if Love on a Summers Night by the McCrarys turns out to be a good signature tune for a winner. Great tune. Will it be great dog?

Need to think up an appropriate name. Your idea welcomed-

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1 Response

  1. SIMON ROWLAND says:

    Great stuff Robbie…

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